
明道筆挺西裝走金鐘紅毯 人氣不減明年返台自制劇 Ming Dao wore Italian tailor-made suit walking the red carpet of 50th Golden Bell Awards, his popularity unabated and he will return to Taiwan to produce drama next year

明道最新寫真曝光 黑白配衣打造霸道總裁風 Ming Dao latest photo exposure, black and white wearing created overbearing CEO style

明道升格節目製作人叫座 挾2億高點擊返台第50屆金鐘獎頒獎 Ming Dao upgraded as program producer draw audiences' high attention, with 200 millions view clicks he will return to Taiwan the 50th Golden Bell Awards to present award

專訪:《跟著明道趣旅行》 --- 隨性捕捉的每一刻都很珍貴 "Follow Ming Dao to Fun Travel": Every moment captured casually is precious

《跟著明道趣旅行》完美收官 點擊破兩億獲贊譽 "Follow Ming Dao to Fun Travel" perfect conclusion, viewing rate reached over 200 millions and won praise.


霸道總裁【明道】演繹絶世暖男劉火 & Ta 說《最好的遇見》- Ming Dao

明道x颖儿《最好的遇见》终将遇到你 (歌曲版)曲版) - Ming Dao 《The Best Meeting》MV2

