臺灣男演員、歌手、主持人和制片人, 也是《明道工作室》老闆,曾跨足偶像劇、時裝劇、古裝劇及武俠劇等各類戲劇的拍攝。因主持旅遊節目《冒險王》走紅,並於2004年憑該節目獲得第39屆金鐘獎「文教資訊節目主持人獎」,成為史上最年輕獲得金鐘獎的主持人。2004年至今已拍攝多部戲劇。現今是中國大陸及亞洲地區的當紅全能藝人。(更多資料; 維基百料 / 百度百科)
Taiwanese actor, singer, presenter and film producer, and the owner of "MID Entertainment". He has taken leading roles in idol dramas, fashion dramas, costume dramas and martial arts dramas and other kinds of drama filming since 2004. He is well known since the travel series "The King of Adventure" in 2004, and is the winner of Best Host in Educational Programme at the 39th Golden Bell Awards, has became the youngest winner of best host in the history of the Golden Bell Awards. Nowadays, he is a well-known popular all-round artist in the mainland China and the Asian Region. (More details: Wikipedia)
相關網頁 (Related Sites):
明道 - 新浪微博
明道工作室- 新浪微博
明道 - 天涯論壇
Taiwanese actor, singer, presenter and film producer, and the owner of "MID Entertainment". He has taken leading roles in idol dramas, fashion dramas, costume dramas and martial arts dramas and other kinds of drama filming since 2004. He is well known since the travel series "The King of Adventure" in 2004, and is the winner of Best Host in Educational Programme at the 39th Golden Bell Awards, has became the youngest winner of best host in the history of the Golden Bell Awards. Nowadays, he is a well-known popular all-round artist in the mainland China and the Asian Region. (More details: Wikipedia)
相關網頁 (Related Sites):
明道 - 新浪微博
明道工作室- 新浪微博
明道 - 天涯論壇