
《最好的遇见》收视率夺冠,网友仅凭明道一人就追定了 "The Best Meeting" rating won the championship, and the netizens were attracted by Ming Dao to watch the drama.

明道霸总上线没人知道?剧都结局了,你们不看收视率依旧稳居榜首 Ming Dao's overbearing president mode is online, no one knows? The drama is ending. Even if you haven't watch it, its rating still tops the list.

明道的好演技,注定《最好的遇见》有个好收视率 Mingdao’s good acting is destined to have a good rating for "The Best Meeting"

《最好的遇见》创收视佳绩 明道精湛演技引观众共鸣 "The Best Meeting" makes an excellent ratings. Ming Dao 's superb acting resonates with the audience.

《最好的遇见》完美结局,盘点明道宠妻颖儿十大秘籍 "The Best Meeting" has a perfectly ending, and list out the ten top secrets of Ming Dao 's pampering his wife Yinger


霸道總裁【明道】演繹絶世暖男劉火 & Ta 說《最好的遇見》- Ming Dao

明道x颖儿《最好的遇见》终将遇到你 (歌曲版)曲版) - Ming Dao 《The Best Meeting》MV2

